What is Wow.link?

Wow.link is a URL shortener that will help you improve your brand visibility and attract more visitors to your social networks and blogs, more customers for your business with new technologies in URL shortening.

In addition to URL shortening services and click tracking, our service provides many unique features that differentiate us from any other URL shortener:

  • Wowpage - using our Wowpage Editor, you can create your Wowpage with the content you want to show to the users who clicked your short links. You can use the Wowpage to share the links to your Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, Instagram accounts, or YouTube channels.
  1. You can post information about products that you sell or promote.
  2. You can publish an announcement or disclaimer that you would like your users to acknowledge before being redirected to the destination address.
  3. Use your Wowpage in your Instagram bio and expand the visibility of your social networks, brands, and products via Instagram with Wow.link Wowpage in your Instagram bio.
  4. You can set up the way of transition from your Wowpage to the final destination address, which could be to click on a confirmation button or redirection after a certain time delay.
  5. And in addition to all of the above, you can have your brand logo on the Wowpage, which can further improve your brand visibility.
Branded Domains - you can use your domains for short links with Wow.link URL shortening web service.
  1. Associate your domains with Wow.link by setting up DNS records for your domain
  2. Use our new patented technology that allows you to use your domain with a running website on it as a domain for your short links. This feature has never been available on the internet until Wow.link, and it enables a new and unique way to promote your website and brand by using your domain for both a hosting website and for shortening your branded URLs.
    Note: this feature will be available soon.
Smart redirects - set up smart redirect conditions for your links and define where your link should redirect users depending on their country, device type, operating system, browser type, language, and other conditions. You can also protect your short link with a password, so only users who have the password can access the destination website. All links are checked for safety with the Google Safe Browsing service. The result of the safety check is indicated in the header of the interstitial page, which ensures safety to open the link for your users. Beautiful URL shortening domain - wow.link is the perfect sounding domain name for your short links!