How To Use a Telegram Bot

The can bring your link management experience to the next level. Using is super-easy, read this article to learn how to make the most of it. 

What can you do with the

  • Send a text with lengthy links to the bot -> Receive the same text with shortened links. All the links connect to your account. You get access to in-depth analytics through the or the Telegram bot;
  • Bulk link shortening in a second;

  • Create customized and branded links;
  • Enjoy in-depth analytics, real-time statistics;
  • Create new campaigns and tags.

You can send the text with long links or forward a post with links from another Telegram channel or chat, and the will reply to you with the same post or text, automatically replacing all long links with short wow-links. All short links from the text will be automatically added to your account and available both on the website and in the bot interface.

How to set up the

1. Click this link or search for @wowlink_bot in the search bar on Telegram.

2. Type #start or choose this option to start a chat with the 

3. Select a language: English or Russian.

4. You will receive a code here, send it to the

5. Select any command and start your journey. commands

Create and edit

/create_link [name] - Create new short link;

/create_campaign [name] - Create a new campaign (for grouping of the links and aggregating analytics);

/create_tag [name] - Create new tag;

/edit_link [short link OR link ID (back half)] - Result: menu with buttons: Customize link (change link path or URL slug), change the destination address, change link campaign, change tags;

https://DESTINATION_LINK #c:[id_campaign] #t:[id_tag] - Shorten your long link (destination_link). Optionally: assign newly created short link to the campaign (id_campaign), assign a tag (id_tag) to short link;

Show the list of links, campaigns, tags

/my_links - Show my links;

/my_campaigns - Show my campaigns;

/my_tags - Show my tags;


/summary - Summary statistics for your account: total number of campaigns, tags, links, wow-pages, branded domains;

/stat_link [short link OR link ID (back half)] - Result: number of clicks, top 5 countries, top 5 browsers, top 5 platforms, and type of devices;

/stat_campaign [name] - Result: number of clicks, top 5 countries, top 5 browsers, top 5 platforms and type of devices;

/stat_tag [name] - Result: number of clicks, top 5 countries, top 5 browsers, top 5 platforms and type of devices;